Brainstorm! 10 Toxic Self-Help Books I Would Buy
I came across this title (Toxic Parents: Overcoming Their Hurtful Legacy and Reclaiming Your Life) and inspired, I brainstormed some potential best-selling self-help book titles: 1. Toxic Losers: Ruthlessly Eliminating Useless Nitwits From Your Life 2. Toxic Reality: Staying Positive When Everything Around You Turns to Shit 3. Toxic Rage: Turning the Bile Within into...

The Nightmare Report
Last night I worked for a writing client, covering an event they were holding. I had a great time, but it must have brought back memories of my old job. I dreamed that a man who used to work for me was now a dentist. He had set up an open-air consultorio in a field...

The Marin Hitchhiker & the Knife
We were driving home from an afternoon gig in Tiburon, the toniest suburb in Marin County across the Golden Gate from San Francisco and a quick ferry ride from Angel Island. My 10-year-old son had come with me to help me load equipment in and out and sell CDs during the gig. It was about...

The Magic Burger
She took a bite. Secret sauce a tang on the back of her tongue, a rippled pickle slick between her lips, the meat and fluffy bun filling her mouth. She swallowed and felt the bolus sliding down until it nestled in her stomach. A tiny, fist-shaped packet of energy. The stadium was a behemoth; here...

Film Noir
It was nearly 4 a.m. She wasn’t sure how long she’d been standing there, teasing the threads of memory… Had she really pulled a gun from the folds of her burgundy satin trench coat, spun on her violet stilettos and fired a stolen taser at the sinewy alien who’d tried to implant her with...