I'm an Oakland jazz salsa singer-songwriter, fluent in a few languages thanks to my itinerant childhood. Since 2004 I've done more than a dozen studio recordings for my own & other bands. In 2010, I sang on the Grammy-nominated Bien! Bien! In 2011, I made a fan-funded CD, and in 2012 my singing/songwriting was on Pacific Mambo Orchestra's debut CD. In 2013, we won a Grammy!
Never heard of you before till I just viewed that Tiggzi video and got curious about your sounds. Awesome, Awesome, AWESOME job on this Masterpiece. You have a lovely voice! Keep up the great work!!! Even though the video is 4:25 to had another fan in less than 10 seconds. Again Awesome JOB!!!
Anthony says:
Jun 28, 2012
You are music’s best kept secret. Your voice is delectable, mysterious, aching and brave. I love Alexa!
awebermorales says:
Jun 28, 2012
Why thank you Anthony!
Scott Adams says:
Sep 3, 2012
Never heard of you before till I just viewed that Tiggzi video and got curious about your sounds. Awesome, Awesome, AWESOME job on this Masterpiece. You have a lovely voice! Keep up the great work!!! Even though the video is 4:25 to had another fan in less than 10 seconds. Again Awesome JOB!!!
Alexa says:
Sep 4, 2012
Thank you so much, Scott! Glad you found me and found Tiggzi! Let me know how it goes for you. Hope to see you at a show sometime!