The song is available as a single or part of the expanding EP From Me To Yule.


This was inspired by all the great stuff I see out on the street, but know that people would be offended to get unless it came with a store tag and a return receipt. Yes, things like a perfectly good yoga ball and a ravioli maker! I, for one, will not be offended if you give me something *great* that you found on the street, in your basement or at Goodwill. The world needs more reuse and less stuff.It also is not meant to be a downer, but for a lot of us, the Yuletide message of “buy buy buy” just doesn’t mesh with our reality. It makes us feel inadequate and disorganized. Perhaps we *are* inadequate and disorganized. But there’s no need to rub our noses in it!So here’s to the joy of thrift and simple holiday pleasures: cuddles, cocoa, It’s A Wonderful Life… and free stuff left out by the neighbor!


From Me to Yule
By Alexandra L. Weber Morales © November 18, 2014Winter’s here and I forgot to remember
To make enough money to last through December
So let’s snuggle up on the old leather couch
Watch the TV Yule log, man it never burns outThe holiday party didn’t go as planned
Drank too much nog and then I did a head stand
Next day at the office they’re looking at me funny
Guess I’m toast ‘cause there’s a layoff coming

Blaring ads, the stores play us for fools
Selling slippers and bath salts and shiny tools
Even Santa knows the joy of thrift
His workshop runs on forced labor!
So I wrapped up free stuff left out by the neighbor
Look! A yoga ball and a ravioli maker!

Won’t you accept this gift
Won’t you accept this gift
From me to Yule
From me to Yule

Never send cards but I think of friends fondly
Then I remember how they wronged me
Didn’t help out at the soup kitchen
But I gave 20 bucks to every street musician

Won’t you accept this gift
Won’t you accept this gift
From me to Yule
From me to Yule

Like Jimmy Stewart we could lasso the moon
It’s A Wonderful Life is on at noon
I’ll make hot cocoa and you hold me close
Somewhere there must be a blanket of snow

Won’t you accept this gift
Won’t you accept this gift
From me to Yule
From me to Yule