English – Spanish – French – Portuguese

I'm an Oakland jazz salsa singer-songwriter, fluent in a few languages thanks to my itinerant childhood. Since 2004 I've done more than a dozen studio recordings for my own & other bands. In 2010, I sang on the Grammy-nominated Bien! Bien! In 2011, I made a fan-funded CD, and in 2012 my singing/songwriting was on Pacific Mambo Orchestra's debut CD. In 2013, we won a Grammy!

Posts tagged "minimalism"
How minimalism helps you stop feeling like a victim of an unfair economy -- and start thriving!

How minimalism helps you stop feeling like a victim of an unfair economy — and start thriving!

7 KonMari decluttering quotes that CHANGED MY LIFE!

7 KonMari decluttering quotes that CHANGED MY LIFE!

Happy Earth Day! 14 Reasons to Drive Less and Enjoy Life More!

Happy Earth Day! 14 Reasons to Drive Less and Enjoy Life More!

Is it time to go car-free? Minimalism and car sharing

Is it time to go car-free? Minimalism and car sharing

Remodelación minimalista de recamara para niño: ANTES y DESPUÉS!

Remodelación minimalista de recamara para niño: ANTES y DESPUÉS!

Tips for digital decluttering: Minimalist computer and smart phone ideas

Tips for digital decluttering: Minimalist computer and smart phone ideas

KonMari Method: Decluttering all shoes!

KonMari Method: Decluttering all shoes!

My resolutions for 2017: "Deep Work" and FOCUS

My resolutions for 2017: “Deep Work” and FOCUS

Are all minimalists alike? Minimalism: A Documentary About the Important Things REVIEW

Are all minimalists alike? Minimalism: A Documentary About the Important Things REVIEW

4 tips for maintaining a minimalist bedroom

4 tips for maintaining a minimalist bedroom

10 Decluttering Tips from The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up

10 Decluttering Tips from The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up

  Here’s a glimpse into my pristine closet after reading “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese art of Decluttering and organizing” by Marie Kondo 10 tips I took away from this great book! 1. Love it or lose it! 2. Go by category, not by room 3. Choose what to keep, not what...