Enjoyed Oakland’s newest skating spot today!
Brooklyn Basin and the historic Port of Oakland 9th Avenue terminal there are now mostly complete. It’s a gorgeous place to roller-skate, which is the sport everyone took up during the pandemic! Here’s an article in the Mercury News that alerted me to this spot.

In which I take a ferry and discover time is the great equalizer
Sometimes I forget how much freedom I have to do whatever I want and enjoy this beautiful place I live in. Take today. I had been invited to the annual gathering of people who used to work at Miller Freeman, the company where I had my first (and last) job, for 10 years, as a...

Free lunchtime concert Friday 8/12 at Oakland Kaiser Building Roof Garden
Come hear the Boca Mundial trio: me with Braulio Barrera (percussion) and Brian Moran (guitar) at noon for a free one-hour show at the roof garden on Oakland’s Kaiser Building at Lake Merritt. Here’s a snippet of us noodling on one of the tunes we’ll do, a jazz standard called It Never Entered My Mind....

EcoArt Matters student exhibition at Laney College Library RECEPTION 5/10 1-4pm
Check out the EcoArt Matters student exhibition at Laney College Library in downtown Oakland, California tomorrow through September. There’s a RECEPTION 5/10, 1-4pm!

Ukelele & Remo drum endorsee Kathy Quain joins me to teach music in nature!
Music week is July 6-12, 2014 at Oakland Camp. Every year you find yoga & massage by Rivka, art with Susan and Blanka, hikes, dances, horseback riding, karaoke, performances, socials and more at Feather River thanks to our incredible staff and guests of naturalists, artists, body workers, horse wranglers and more. Since 2008, I’ve offered...

Oakland had covered wagons? Pix from the past for Feather River Camp’s 90th Anniversary
Here are some pictures I snapped while at the memorial day work weekend up in Oakland beautiful camp. A group had spread out boxes and boxes of historical pictures in order to put together a 90th anniversary time capsule. Here are some I thought were interesting. Feel free to estimate the dates of these pics....

Help Oakland’s Feather River Camp renew our city contract on our 90th anniversary! Spread the word!
FIRST: READ these two articles (URLs here and full TEXT pasted below) SECOND: JOIN our letter-writing campaign to write letters to the editor referencing these articles. to contact council members referencing these articles/others. to bring our issue before city council (before November election) (Rumor has it that “Rebecca Kaplan is bringing something to the council...

Great review in SF Bay Times
Thanks to Shelley MacKay for this great review of my last gig with Azucar! Tonight, don’t miss a rare chance to hear this uplifting all-women band! We play 8 PM at Rhythmix Cultural Works, 2513 Blanding Avenue, Alameda, CA – (510) 865-5060! Azucar! I was first introduced to Alexa as an artist when I...

Come to the vocal JAM Sunday 5 pm @ Oakland Public Conservatory
Sunday afternoon, I’ve been invited to host the vocal jazz jam at 5 pm at the Oakland Public Conservatory, 1616 Franklin Street! This is where the lovely miss Valerie Troutt hosts 1st Fridays jams and where the amazing James Gayles’ series of paintings of Bay Area jazz musicians is hosted (and yes I’m one of...

Review of Alexa’s “Energy and Style” on Timba.com!
“Pianist Remy Rodríquez made clear how excited she and the others were to play along with Morales on vocals. Morales sings in several languages, she is a sonera, and perhaps because she is a prose writer as well as a singer/songwriter, she talks extemporaneously on the mike with a lot of energy and style.” Thanks...