English – Spanish – French – Portuguese

I'm an Oakland jazz salsa singer-songwriter, fluent in a few languages thanks to my itinerant childhood. Since 2004 I've done more than a dozen studio recordings for my own & other bands. In 2010, I sang on the Grammy-nominated Bien! Bien! In 2011, I made a fan-funded CD, and in 2012 my singing/songwriting was on Pacific Mambo Orchestra's debut CD. In 2013, we won a Grammy!

Posts tagged "piano"
Danny Boy

Danny Boy

Here’s my arrangement of Danny Boy just in time for St. Patrick’s Day!
In The Wee Small Hours of the Morning

In The Wee Small Hours of the Morning

At least tonight, this seems to me to be the most beautiful song ever written.
I Wanna Be With You - song sketch

I Wanna Be With You – song sketch

A sketch of a song that I just wrote but I kinda liked it… maybe a little Ingrid Michaelson style, no?
Short People by Randy Newman - voice and piano

Short People by Randy Newman – voice and piano

My arrangement of Over the Rainbow

My arrangement of Over the Rainbow

Here’s how I play the Harold Arlen/E.Y. Harburg standard, Over the Rainbow. I first arranged this 16 years ago — I remember that because I was pregnant with my son at the time! I added some new touches recently. Oh, and I always modulated up — even before hearing the amazing Eva Cassidy version :-)....
My new book, Practice Secrets of the Pros, is now available on Amazon!

My new book, Practice Secrets of the Pros, is now available on Amazon!

Now available on Amazon! Practice Secrets of the Pros: Motivation, Method and Memory for Musicians… and Other Athletes by Alexa Weber Morales Kindle edition In 2010, Grammy-nominated latin jazz singer-songwriter Alexa Weber Morales began a quest for pragmatic, inspiring advice about musical mastery. She interviewed experts, researched the techniques of memory champions and dove into...

Sweltering song for a hot day

Here I am playing my song Love and Rage on piano today… The song was inspired by my trip to Louisiana, New Orleans and Mamou (catch the reference to cypress knees). Listen & buy the version produced by multi-Grammy nominee Wayne Wallace here!
Anne Sajdera + Alexa Weber Morales = Two Composers @ Piedmont Piano Company 9/16 4pm

Anne Sajdera + Alexa Weber Morales = Two Composers @ Piedmont Piano Company 9/16 4pm

Everything Must Change

Everything Must Change

Love this song by Benard Ighner.
Birth of an Arrangement: The Names of the Winds

Birth of an Arrangement: The Names of the Winds

It was the second set of our show. The pianist shot me a malevolent glare, then proceeded to butcher the opening chords of the song I was about to sing, obfuscating the key so I couldn’t tell what note to start with. He finished the intro; silence lingered as the band waited for me to...
Si Mes Vers Avaient Des Ailes

Si Mes Vers Avaient Des Ailes

Si Mes Vers Avaient Des Ailes (“if my verses had wings”) is a poem by Victor Hugo set to music in 1888 by child prodigy Reynaldo Hahn when he was 14 years old. It was published by Le Figaro and was a hit. I recorded this as a first test of my new Zoom H2N...