Sweltering song for a hot day
Here I am playing my song Love and Rage on piano today… The song was inspired by my trip to Louisiana, New Orleans and Mamou (catch the reference to cypress knees). Listen & buy the version produced by multi-Grammy nominee Wayne Wallace here!

The Names of the Winds – New Video
I upgraded to Sibelius First 7 this week and have had a lot of fun learning its features, especially the ability to create video of your sheet music! I exported a video of the sheet music (which took me a few days to transcribe — I only had a lead sheet of the arrangement, and...

Si Mes Vers Avaient Des Ailes
Si Mes Vers Avaient Des Ailes (“if my verses had wings”) is a poem by Victor Hugo set to music in 1888 by child prodigy Reynaldo Hahn when he was 14 years old. It was published by Le Figaro and was a hit. I recorded this as a first test of my new Zoom H2N...