PMO Tour: California gold
So much time has gone by, or so it seems. We’ve had a series of gigs back to back, so there’s really not much time to do more an eat, sleep, eat more, exercise, rehearse, soundcheck, perform, eat, sleep, pack and then travel. We had three great gigs in Arizona. The Fox Theater in Tucson...
PMO Tour: The Dislocated Shoulder Must Go On
We had a day off in Prescott, AZ — half day, really. Steffen and Christian treated us to dinner at an Italian joint. Then I went back to the hotel and crashed in my cozy, mountain lodge luxury room. Yesterday morning, I went for a quick run in a park next to the mall where...

PMO Tour: getting to Prescott
There’s a lot to cover since I wrote last! Unfortunately, my wireless keyboard has gone missing. Could it be on the bus, or at the last, glorious hotel we were at for less than 24 hours? Our Albuquerque gig went great, though I was, for the first time on this tour, in a bit of...
PMO Tour: Biking through Albuquerque
Yesterday was Halloween — the first I’ve spent not trick-or-treating with my kids in 13 years. I started off by calling home and discovering that my kids had no plans to wear the costumes I’d made! Here I am on the road, surrounded with testosterone, and meanwhile, they’re home with Daddy, also surrounded with testosterone!...
PMO Tour: Lincoln Center in Ft. Collins
We are wending our way toward Albuquerque, New Mexico in the dark. Snowflakes fly towards us as if shot from a funnel. Another long day on the bus… We’ve crossed 7 states in 8 days! I love seeing how the land changes from state to state. At the inspection station at the New Mexico border,...

PMO Tour: Lincoln, Nebraska
We’ve been driving for a little over an hour now. Yesterday’s 9 hours on the bus were nice, but after that I had to get outside. I took a quick shower and dressed and wondered where the party was. But then I thought perhaps I was cramping the guys’ style. I went to the front...

PMO Tour: The Road to Nebraska
Gary, Indiana is the polar opposite of Carmel, Indiana. Last night was our second gig. We left Carmel around noon. I got in a swim after running a mile on the treadmill. I don’t recommend doing that barefoot. Blisters. The trip to our hotel was uneventful, until we got to town. I tried to sleep...
This is it! On tour with Pacific Mambo
October 23, 2013. So I want to establish a habit while on the road of documenting everything, or at least journaling, something I do rarely. I’m in a plane looking out at an oak-dappled and lake-dotted Northern California landscape… we’ve passed Sacramento… ooh there’s a super tall white bridge over a river. I love looking...